Signs of earlier , The Aigantighe Art Gallery, Timaru 5 year retrospecive.
Signs of Earlier (A Nihilist sings), part of 30 Piece hanging word-poetry sculpture, welded pvc and paint with plastic chains, 2018-2020.
Signs of Earlier (drinking from the mist), part of 30 Piece hanging word-poetry sculpture, welded pvc and paint with plastic chains, 2018-2020.
Saved by Pills and After Life Coach, calf skins with cast bronze arrows, 2019
LOCK n LOVE n, Aigantighe Art Gallery Collection, 2020. Stainless Steel tube with Uracryl paint.2020.
Signs of Earlier (Quiet New Earth), part of 30 Piece hanging word-poetry sculpture, welded pvc and paint with plastic chains, 2018-2020.
Fuck You Cancer, oil on board with hand made wooden letters and lumps, 2020.